
Who We Are.

Stepping Stone Independent Living Ltd. was established in 2009 and is committed to enable people with learning disabilities and/or mental health conditions to live the lifestyle of their choice in their own accommodation.

The support we offer to our service users is tailored to each individual’s needs and can range from supporting people around the clock to just a few hours a day. The service user’s interests and needs are at the forefront of our Service and we are determined to assist people to receive flexible support in the way that suits them best.

Registered Provider

Arif Hussain

Arif graduated in Chemistry at Kings College, London and then an MBA in Marketing at Thames Valley University. Having previously run a successful computer company he diversified into the property development business.

Arif’s other major interest is in local community affairs. He is currently practising Magistrate sitting on the Wycombe and Beaconsfield Bench and Wycombe District Councillors and sit on the Planning Committee, Improvement and Review Commission and along with the Chairman, represent the Wycombe District at the Combined Scrutiny Committee monitor the Local Area Agreement at County Level. He is also Chairman of the Conservative Branch as well as a Governor at the Royal Grammar School currently on the Education Committee.


Our Staff

We recognize the importance of a thorough selection process that next to relevant experience also values the principles of dignity in care and compassion in our staff team. Our staff are recruited following a robust interview process, DBS checks and references. All staff are provided with a comprehensive induction, regular team meetings and appropriate training to enable them to carry out their duties to a high standard.

  • This includes:

  • Induction

  • Care of Medicines

  • Emergency First Aid in the Workplace

  • Diversity

  • Food Hygiene

  • Fire Safety & Evacuation

  • Mental Health Awareness

  • Moving and Handling

  • Person Centred Planning

  • Positive Approach

  • Preventing & Responding to Violence

  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults


Staff undergo regular supervision to enable them to work effectively and in a supported structure. We provide appropriate staffing ratios and can offer one to one support to our Service Users when needed.

The staff team is supported by a Manager who works hands on with the service users and support staff.

Staff team consists of:

  • Manager

  • Deputy Manager

  • Support workers

  • Part time / Bank staff

“My brother is very happy where he is and I am happy for him. Everyobody is so kind and caring and know all the residents so well and know their needs..”

— Review from S M (Sister of Resident) published on 14 July 2017